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  1. my guy, please shut up as you clearly don't know what's going on. we're talking about the track that was stolen, we don't care about the stadium. Please stop being a puppy dog You fail to realize there was 0 effort put into this map considering the track is simply a copy and the stadium was already made. Learn what is actually happening before you message. Watch yo mf tone before you speak again.
  2. honestly just stop commentating your not bringing anything to the table at this point even if so that doesn't mean you should. You started crap because you thought it would be fine to post someone else's work and take the credit. You know dang well most people will not even read a credit unless its in the description and you didn't even put it there. You posted this knowing it would cause drama and give you attention, learn to make your own stuff lmao.
  3. this track handles garbage in beam how do you take a already good model copy it and somehow make it worse
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